Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

Cherry Blossoms [Report Text]

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Halo !!!!!!!!!

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Kali ini aku mau posting sesuai dengan judulnya. Yap ! Report Text.

"kenapa tiba-tiba posting  report text"

Jadi, kemarin ku dapat tugas untuk presentasi tentang report text. Akhirnya nyari deh contoh text dan gambar-gambar yang bagus buat didiskripsin. Nah, waktu itu lagi buka twitter, terus ada yang upload foto bunga sakura. Lampu terang keluar langsung dari otakku. *Tiiiinnggg!!!!* Jadilah, ku buat report text tentang bunga sakura. Lagian ku lihat juga jarang yang deskripsiin tentang bunga sakura.
Oke. Ini text yang aku buat ...

Cherry Blossoms

         Cherry blossoms are the flower of the family Rosaceae and including genus prunus. This flower is species of Prunus serrulata Lindl. Cherry blossom also called Sakura in Japan.

The main characteristic of cherry blossom is on the way it grows. The flower grows earlier than the leaves. Tens, hundreds, even thousands of trees that are in same location begin to bloom stimultaneously and fall one by one at the same time. 

Cherry blossoms have many colors. There are white, little pink, and red. Most of cherry blossom grow in moist low and highland. A place with a little bit moist and  protected from sunlight is the best for their natural habitat.

This time, Cherry blossoms have several varieties such as :Yama Sakura, Oshima Sakura, Sakura Kanhi, Gyoiko, Baigozina Juzu kake Sakura, and many other type. 

Leave and cherry blossoms that have soaked in salt water (shiozuke) are used for groceries because the smell.  Sakura mochi is mochi cake that wrapped in cherry leaves. There are also ice cream and pastries taste of cherry blossom. Cherry blossoms tea are usually drunk on special occasion such as weddings. Twigs and buds cherry blossoms are also used as natural dyes. 

Yeay !!!!!!
Itu buatan saya. Thanks untuk semua sumber informasi yang memberikan informasi kepada saya. Antara lain :

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